Investor News

Orbia Hosts 2023 Strategy Update

by Orbia | Jun 12, 2023

Orbia recently held its 2023 Strategy Update, detailing the company’s performance and outlook one year out from the 2022 Investor Day proceedings.

The event was hosted by Sameer Bharadwaj (Chief Executive Officer) and Jim Kelly (Chief Financial Officer). Bharadwaj and Kelly presented an overview of business results, financial milestones and progress made on the company’s strategy, followed by an interactive Q&A segment with investors and analysts.

Orbia is a company committed to advancing life around the world. With its integrated business model, disciplined cost management and material innovation acumen, Orbia is building from a strong foundation to maximize shareholder and stakeholder value. View the 2023 video and presentation below for a summation of the strategies propelling the company forward, with sustainability at the core.

Key Strategies:

  1. Harnessing the power of material science and innovation to serve customer needs, address world challenges and provide sustainable solutions.
  2. Investing in profitable growth, leveraging uniquely advantaged position to bring differentiated solutions to market.
  3. Maximizing the value of integration across the company and the value chains we participate in.
  4. Creating value as good stewards of capital and disciplined operators.
  5. Delivering double-digit earnings growth and returns to shareholders through stable, growing dividends.